Friday, April 23, 2021

Last Week of April!

We started our last round of "shares" this week. Our class decided that one person will share each day, and that person gets to sit in our fancy chair for the day! We also got new classroom jobs today -- be sure to ask your child which jobs they applied for :) 


  • It's a 4 day week this week!

Coming up:
April 27: Math Forward Test
April 28: Math Forward Test
April 30: NO SCHOOL


Math: We've been working really hard at understanding word problems and writing an equation that matches. When students understand a problem, they are more likely to realize if their answer is unreasonable. For example, if the problem is: There are 50 girls at Y-Care and some boys. There are 110 children at Y-Care. How many boys are there? When we work to understand this problem, we know that there would have to be less than 110 boys, so an answer more than that could not be correct. This is the kind of thinking we hope to see from all of our mathematicians. 

Writing: We're starting a new unit: Fairy Tales! For our first week, students get to choose if they want to adapt Little Red Riding Hood or Three Billy Goats Gruff. Storytelling these stories, and their adaptations, will help your child greatly in their writing.

Reading: We are also starting a new unit in reading as well. This one is all about social issues (we describe this to kids as "people problems") We begin this unit getting our readers to see the life lessons that books teach us -- not just a lesson that the character learns, but something anyone could learn after reading the book. Feel free to ask your child, "What life lesson did you learn from that book?" 

Check out the 4K students storytell Three Billy Goats Gruff to us! 

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Jenny Kocourek

Friday, April 16, 2021

April 19 - 23

We have our first two Forward tests this week Tuesday and Thursday. Hopefully students will be able to get a good night's rest the night before so they're ready to go for the tests!


  • If you didn't get a chance to turn in the surprise "Forward" encouragement note to your child, please send it in Monday. Make sure you seal it up so no sneaky eyes get to see! :) 

  • If your child would like to practice the Forward tests at home, they can here. They would just click on the Online Tools Training or Item Sampler, Grade 3, ELA or Math. You might talk to your child about what tools (line guide, highlighter, sticky notes, cross out, etc.) they plan to use and which ones were distracting for them.

  • We started practicing cursive this week! Ask your child how they like it! 

Coming up:

April 18: Sunday at 12:00 PM Summer School registration begins

April 20: Reading Forward Test
April 22: Reading Forward Test

April 27: Math Forward Test
April 28: Math Forward Test
April 30: NO SCHOOL


Math: We're on to our FINAL math unit -- wow! This one wraps up the year nicely with Word Problems. Students now need to decide which operation to use (multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction.) Their Unit 7 Test did go home this week; make sure you ask to see it! 

Writing: We have one more week of getting in some grammar concepts. We'll be talking about word parts, nouns, and proper nouns.

Reading: We have our Reading Forward tests this week! We'll also learn some ways to comprehend what's happening or what we're learning when we listen to reading. 

Check out some of the fun from this week!

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Jenny Kocourek

Friday, April 9, 2021

Tis the season of testing! We have a Unit math test this week, but really the testing we have been talking about in class are the Forward tests, which are the state tests. 3rd graders will take the Forward tests in the morning of April 20, 22, and 27. There is really nothing that you need to do at home for this other than making sure your child gets a good restful sleep the night before and have something in their bellies the day of. We will provide snacks for the entire class those days as well (or they can choose to bring their own, as usual.) 

We have been talking about these tests in class to hopefully minimize the worry and stress that can come along with testing for some students. If your child is feeling anxious about them, please let me know so we can work to alleviate some of that. We talk about tests as a way to show off and celebrate all that we have learned and just how much we have grown. 


  • Please return the yellow KAT envelope with any donations! 

  • 3rd graders will be performing a concert on April 15th @8:00am during the school day. The performance will be virtual (live recording) as well as recorded for future viewing. Students are encouraged to dress up in something nice, avoid jeans and tennis shoes if possible. 

Coming up:

April 12: Pajama Wear
April 13: Purple Wear
April 13: Unit 7 Math Test (Math review due this day)
April 14: Sports Wear
April 15: Hat Day
April 15: Spring Concert -- have your child dress nicely! We can take the hats off for the concert :) 
April 16: KAT (Knowledge-A-Thon) day!
April 16: Rockstar Wear!
April 18: Sunday at 12:00 PM Summer School registration begins

April 20: Reading Forward Test
April 22: Reading Forward Test

April 27: Math Forward Test


Math: Mathematicians have seemed pretty confident going into this test! The test will be on Tuesday, so the review will also be due then. We'll also spend some time going over the math tools for the Forward test so that they can get familiar with them. 

Writing: This week we will focus on word choice! We'll go over words with multiple meanings (like stable... a horse's stable vs the chair was not stable) and figurative language (similes and metaphors.) 

Reading: Our readers have been doing so well in using all they learned when reading an information text! We'll play a little nonfiction Jeopardy and then give a few more test taking tips! Feel free to share any test taking tips with your child as well (eliminating answers that could not be correct, choosing the best answer, rereading to be sure it's correct, etc.) 

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Jenny Kocourek

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 5-9

Enjoy your long weekend and the beautiful weather! 


  • A note will be coming home this week about the spring concert. 3rd graders will be performing a concert on April 15th @8:00am during the school day. The performance will be virtual (live recording) as well as recorded for future viewing. Students are encouraged to dress up in something nice, avoid jeans and tennis shoes if possible. 

Coming up:

April 2: NO SCHOOL

April 5: NO SCHOOL

April 12-16: KAT Dress Up Days to be announced soon :) 
April 15: Spring Concert 
April 16: KAT (Knowledge-A-Thon)
April 18: Sunday at 12:00 PM Summer School registration begins


Math: We're coming to the end of another unit! So, a math review will be coming home this week. The test will likely be Tuesday, April 13th. If the review is not feeling good for your child, please just have them stop and let me know.

Writing & Reading: We started our "test prep" writing unit. We're working really hard on figuring out what the question is asking us, answering it, and also providing text evidence. You can help your child out about this by talking about their books (What kind of person is the character? What evidence do you have? What page made you think that?) Next we'll be focusing on nonfiction passages and what to do when we're reading information. 

Check out the fun from our Egg Crack Off!

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Jenny Kocourek

LAST WEEK of 3rd Grade!

And just like that...we're down to the last two and a half days of third grade. It's been absolutely wonderful getting to share this...